Prayer Timings Ramazan Time Table Jumma Times First Khutaba 11:30 English - Dr. Sohail - (there is no change in time year round summer and winter - q and a before jumma) Second Khutaba 12:45 English - Ustad Omar - (changes by 30 min with daylight savings - spring forwards to 1.15 and fall backs to 12.45)) Third Khutaba 1:45 Urdu / English - Imam Abdul Wali - (changes by 30 min with daylight savings - spring forwards to2:15 and fall backs to 1.45) Monthly Time Table Islamic Center Northern Virgina Trust -ICNVTFeb, 2025 JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberRamadan